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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My New Me.. My New Pinky Shine....


Lama sangat tak berblog ni. Hilang sikit skill berblog. Contohnya macam nak tulis pasal apa, nak stori pasal story apa, nak gosip apa and macam-macam lagi la. Oh btw, sepanjang I berdiam diri actually I did some reading from other blogs in getting some ideas sebab you know yang I ni tak ada la bijak meligat menulis the entry. Well, I thought dah end of writing, lebih kurang macam retired on blogging tapi... I tersaiko dengan Linie Azlenee yang ntah macam mana boleh dok influence I untuk berdekorasi blog background semua. haaaiiiiissshhhhh....

Gila ah tengok Linie tekun... Tuppp Tuppp I pun berjangkit dengan virus bawaan internet ni nak berdekorasi blog ni.I guess yang Linie tak balik lagi dari office because she too much addicted on decorate her blog. Haisshh Linie, go back home la your hubby is waiting for you ;p teheee...

Well I managed to get some inspiration through Linie (thanks Linie) and hope the new look of PINKY SHINE will grab the attention of new readers (hahahahaaa I gelak kasi  you).. I will update new stories, gossips, rubbish, cerita seram, cerita fiction, cerita cinta, cerita dongeng, cerita-rita, anything la just for you my readers. Jangan MALAS membaca dah la.

My future plan.... Oh bukan pelan kahwin hokey... I am thinking to insert recipes even tho I tak tau masak sangat pun, ke dalam blog ni sebab I rasa nak buat you all lapar je just like me and I think I am becoming a zombie yang nak makan memanjang. I feel hungry all the the time. Sebelum, makan main macam makan sikit je lepas tu kenyang. MEMBAZIR bak kata my both parents, kena hantar I pergi Africa baru tau. hikhikhik.

Oh btw, I saw some new followers (teheeee, clapping clapping) here, and trillionnsssss of thanks sebab sudi follow this blog even tho this blog is not a kind of ......attractive....... to read BUT.... ada I kisah....?? ;p (Ok please jangan remove, I gurau je...;p)

Please.. Do leave your comments ya. Jangan malu-malu and segan-segan. Oh btw, I stricly private the comments posting where your comments will be approved by me before publish. Hope you all tak ada la rasa susah nak post comments. Don't worry, I will publish your comments asap since I online setiap hari tu.....hiikhikhik...Macam pos laju punya tagline, hari ni pos, semalam sampai.. (ohhh is it??)

And some more (banyak aihhh benda nak cakap) I want to activate my NUFFNANG lol... Wish to buy a new car - Nissan X-Trail (KCN - I still love you) using NUFFNANG MONEY! Please I I tell you if you are kind enough, you may help me by clicking on NUFFNANG punya iklan kat atas tu and kat tepi sebelah kanan tu.. mudah bukan? muahahahaaaa


  1. hehehe nissan x trail ye miss...hohoho
    nanti da jauh ngn miss tiap kli sy tgok nissan tu kompom igt kat miss muehehehe...

  2. miss,,

    akhirnye,,saye da berjaye center kan sy punyer header,,,haha,,, :P...keep trying k..!!!lalala~

  3. ehhh lajunye u ols ni update..panas lagi entry ni mcm baru angkat dr kuali...hehehe

    hihihii tggu sy p visit awk kat tmpt practical naik nissan x-trail ye..hehehehee.. tp eehhh bukan ke dkt ke?bknnye jauh..silap ari bulan,leh p makan sekali la...hahahaa

    dah boleh ke..mmg pantas dah sy nak bg center..buat cmni pun ok dah kot..comel dah ni..heheheeheee

  4. teramat bz cik linie kita~

  5. tu la pasal..macam patung cendana je dok sebelah aku.....mata xbrkelip.aku xtau dia brnyawa lg ke tak..hehehheeee;p

  6. hoh pny la lamaaaaa tnggu ang menghapdet pinky2 nih, wadatuttttt la ang ni..

    cpt r boh gmbq2 deting ngn doktet

  7. lama ni aku dok bertapa ni...nak cari ilham serata tempat.sabaq aku tengah bergiat aktif balik la all my fans..harap bersabar..hahahahaaaaa

    aku tgk gambaq hg deting dah la..aku tompang bahagia sama..hahahaaa.

  8. wakluuu maen tompang2, keta besaq dah nak tompang watpa lg hahahaha

  9. mengong la hg ni...muahahahaa..
    aku start update blk pinky ni sb khas utk hg..aku tau nnti hg dok nunnnn jauh kat sana tu hg nak baca....hahahahaaa
