Holla! 1.11 am already time to sleep. But I don't know how I can suddenly think of my contribution in Tourism (maybe I'm getting stressed with Abacus System, that is why my fius in otak has a bit ting tong). Well as a little tourism ambassador I have to have some contribution instead of teaching. Then I've realised that why not if I selitkan one tourism slot in my blog. Good idea Good idea.. Hey Tourism Board of Malaysia should proud of me! haha.
As begin, I just flashback my 2009 vacations..
First I went to Cameron Highland. Actually this is not my first time went there. But that one was long long time ago.. It was a day trip with my anak2 murid.. I went to strawberry farm, tea plantation, pasar Brinchang, MARDI-got a lot of flowers and bla bla bla.. What so small world, I met with my cousin Hakim at pasar Brinchang.. Patut la aku perasan ada sorang mamat ni dok usha aku.. Rupa rupanya my cousin (sooo perasan) haha. So that night he took us (Linie Azlenee and Naza) to eat steambot. Yummi2..
The next day, we went to The Lost World of Tambun. What a nice place to go.. Having fun of course. And the best part was Linie and I skipped from doing Teamwork Activities because we don't want to terjun lombong or tasik ntah...eeiii yuk.. I can't forget how we gelak habis watching students do that activities.. hahaha!
Fun and Scary
The next day, we went to The Lost World of Tambun. What a nice place to go.. Having fun of course. And the best part was Linie and I skipped from doing Teamwork Activities because we don't want to terjun lombong or tasik ntah...eeiii yuk.. I can't forget how we gelak habis watching students do that activities.. hahaha!
Fun and Scary
Two weeks after Cameron Highland and The Lost of Tambun trip, again I followed my anak2 murid's trip to Kapas Island. Wow so beautiful and seriously now I know why Kapas Island is so popular with white sand. Yes it is true the sand is soooo white and shine shine like pinky shine.
In Kapas Island I experienced the scariest incident in my life ever! I've drown! It was happend when I try to be a stupid superhero and trying to save my two students. They were drown of course! I jumped into the sea (tak pakai life jacket sebab tak bajet akan jadi worse) and swim then trying to pull them. However, these two ladies were soooo soooo soooo paniccc and they keep trying to climb on me and of course I cannot push myself above. Then I tenggelam timbul because of they keep pushing me into water. Seingat aku, masa tenggelam timbul tu, aku terdengar bukan dua je yg lemas tp ramai yg mintak tolong! Huh, at this time aku memamng hampir mati! In this dramatic moment also I can feel more than two people hang on me. MORE! MORE YOU KNOW! (ikan jaws pun kalu semua naik atas badan dia pun leh tenggelam ikan jaws tu tau...!)
What I remember, I shout "JANGAN TEKAN SAYA! JANGAN TEKAN SAYA! SAYA TARIK! SAYA TARIK!". But they still pushing me into water and I just breath only for 2 3 seconds then I drown again and again I hardly push myself to breath for 2 3 seconds then I drown again. Again and again.. Seriously so badly damnly terrible disaster what so ever! In my mind I just think "Ya Allah, dah sampai masa aku ke.. Ya Allah...". And at that moment I really really really started to regret for jumped into the sea because trying to save them.. Seriously I am regret! (maybe you all rasa aku kejam tapi ini yg aku terfikir masa lemas. Korang mesti punya akan rasa benda yg sama kalau korg di tempat aku!). And also this one kind man was tried to help me by pull me away from segerombolan manusia yg lemas tu but this pity saver also was drown by segerombolan manusia itu. So he escaped himself and left me tenggelam timbul (aku tak salahkan dia pun sebab masa ni memang kena fikir diri sendiri)! I think around 5 to 10 minutes or more I tenggelam timbul and I feel so very extravanganza weaked+exhausted!
Lastly, this my life saver Ms. Linie (aku terhutang budi pada you..huhu) campak2kan life jacket ke laut dengan harapan org2 yg lemas berpaut. So aku jadi so selfish and I don't know how I can be so strong and I let go all hands who tarik2 aku and trying so hard to swim to grab the life jacket. Aku dah tak fikir apa nak jadi dengan dorang jadi la.. Alhamdulillah.. I got one. Then I saw this guy (my student dia pakai life jacket), so aku berenang dengan sebelah tangan hanya berpegang pada life jacket itu. Seriously mmg tak dapat menampung berat aku. Then dapat la capai this guy ni yang aku harapkan can save me. Tetapi, adoi.. sekali dia yg nangis sebab dia makin hanyut di bawa ombak... (a*i* awak pakai life jacket! jgn risau la..) adoiiiiii... Dengan kudrat yg tinggal nyawa-nyawa ikan ni, aku paksa sepaksanya diri ini utk tarik this guy ni ke bot... (Hey letih tahu tak!) So lastly, alhamdulillah umurku masih panjang dan aku selamat... Lepas je berjaya naik atas bot, aku giler sakit kepala dan hampir pengsan sebab dah tak ada oksigen dlm otak... bayangkan aku tak mampu langsung nak bernafas masa lemas tu! (dalam hati.. aku memang menyesal....).
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