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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Year End Birthday Party + Farewell

Happy birthday to Ms Yusrina (December, 20) and Ms Awanis (December, 22). Wish you both hepi selalu and semoga Allah murahkan rezeki&panjangkan umur.. Sambil menyelam minum air, we also held farewell party for Sir Tarmizi (walaupun tuan punya badan tak de kat tempat kejadian). haha.

Some funniest things:
Yusrina and Awanis really didn't expected this surprise party. Panic! when Yusrina came to the car which we kept the cakes inside that car. Luckly Linie Azlenee pandai cover. And Awanis was almost started to pray at the time we want to give surprise and she shocked on the Sejadah! So we did a good job (after bersusah payah berlakon+berpura-pura, conference YM, 2 3 kali keluar masuk office but at last berjaya!)

 Tarmizi, our farewell men disappeared because already cabut to fetch his wife but then need to forced him to return to the office (so he bring along his wife and son too!)

Here the cronology of the party and of course some pics to share! - the enjoyment & the happiness..

1. Preparation (syyy buffday girls don't know bout this)

 erk.. sorry, (girl in white tudung) please move away ye...

Party Planner: from left Linie Azlenee, Mastura, Nesma, Lydia and Shaakiroh (not in: white tudung girl-above)

Two cakes enough! above Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe and below Chocolate Cappuchino from Fairy

2. Fuhh Fuhh the candles

Fuhh Fuhh

3. Makan Time (acara makan bersuap)

4. Having Fun

Yusrina can't wait to hembuihhh the candles

5. Who's cake?

Sponsored by Lady Gugu Gaga

This cake was so mystery..

Guys, if you have no ideas where you can get the delicious cakes other than Secret Recipe or what so ever.. You can get them from Fairy Bakery. This bakery has a lot of breads, buns, cakes and many more. The cakes so delicious.. It located just beside Mydin Alor Star. Opposite with Maybank. Seriously, it is recommended. Even my buffday cakes on last October also from Fairy Bakery! Fantastic Tiramisu Cake! yummiiiii......... see below pic the cakes from Fairy!

During my birthday party on October 2009. On table two cakes from Fairy Bakery.


  1. okeh tamat suda episod party di office...

    sehingga ada besday rakan2 terdekat pulak..

    (ehem2..mastura dah bagi hint kemarin besday dia next month)

  2. hihihiiii mastura?? sape mastura?? oooo xknl..abaikan la..hahahahhaaa

    mastura ampun~~ hihihiii
