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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Who will take care of him?

I had high fever last week and of course I got MC too! heeeeeeeeeeee

So I went to clinic for medical check out. Once I opened the door and I saw... "OMG, who's I see?". Unbelievable, it was my husband. haha. Actually I knew he was there and luckily he was in his duty that day. Jadi bolehlah ngada-ngada ngadu itu dan ngadu ini.

He was checking on me. Nope.. it was not as what others think yang saya pregnant.

Jadi marilah kita sama-sama berdoa agar saya dah husband dikurniakan cahaya mata cepat-cepat. aminnn :)

Alhamdulillah, I am fully recovered. He really take good care on me. Ubat memang wajib makan ikut time >,<

Tapi sekarang demam ni dah berjangkit ke husband pulak. Dan nampaknya lagi teruk berbanding dengan yang saya kena dulu :( While I am blogging, he just sleep next to me sambil berselimut. Badan still panas lagi  :(

Sekarang, macam mana saya nak treat him pulak?? :(


  1. skrg xde rezeki lg..doa2kan la dicepatkan sy dpt baby :) aminnn
    insyaAllah kalau ada, dtg la tgk..hehehee
